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![]() Trust the Force ![]() Группа: Jedi Council Сообщений: 14851 Регистрация: 14.7.2006 Пользователь №: 3009 Награды: 9 ![]() |
Отставить народные волнения! Первому каналу включить положительные новости об апокалипсисе Европы, каналу "Культура" включить балет "Лебединое озеро", а ТНТ - "Дом 2"! На нашем же канале - скандалы, интриги и расследования, первоначально обнаруженные на dA. Представляем всем желающим "счетчик жизненной девственности", который позволяет всем желающим определить, насколько прав был Курт Кобейн, заявляя, что всех имеет жизнь... или все имеют жизнь... whatever. Начинайте отсчет со 100% и, отмечая каждый пункт, который вам в жизни удалось пережить, убирайте по проценту. А если вдруг пройдете, то поделитесь результатом. Не обязательно выкладывать подробный список отмеченного (хотя, если нечего стесняться, то почему бы нет?), но хотя бы в процентах.
А что успел сделать ТЫ? P.S. Да, я сам не ожидал, что когда-нибудь создам тему с таким содержанием. Но, во-первых, на форуме сложилась экстренная ситуация и я считаю необходимым сделать все возможное, чтобы окончательно уничтожить моральный облик форумчан. А во-вторых, мне так не хочется писать на завтра рецензию на "Елену"!.. Участники: Уличный поэт, 20 - 90% DenSylar, 20 - 85% Dass Jennir, неизвестно - 87% Боба, 16 - 86% Commander Genrih, 25 - 80% ddt, 18 - 79% Albatros, 23 - 77% Ilan Thorn, 20 - 76% Нокс, 23 - 76% Хис, 16, - 75% ArhAngel, 23 - 74% Helios, 21 - 74% Dezmond, 22 - 73% Sef, 26 - 73% Dhani, 22 - 72% Arhikanonik, 23 - 70% Keeper, 20 - 69% Раймус Айсбридж, 21 - 68% Лазари Айсбридж, 22 - 65% Оод Бнар, 16 - 64% Лурстарк, 23 - 63% Барон Понмерси, 21 - 61% Хеллика Ордо, 20 - 61% Sion4eg, 19 - 59% Kimaen Irat Tcha, 20 - 51% OneMoreShepard, 18 - 51% Gilad, 29 - 50% Космос, 21 - 50% TehBane, 22 - 49% Hayte, 22 - 48% A'den Ne'tra, неизвестно - 43% Хант, 22 - 43% Antill, 22 - 41% Den Di, 21 - 40% Niemand MacMaul, 25 - 39% D.G., 19 - 37% Норд, неизвестно - 36% Аластор, неизвестно - 34% Makaveli, 24 - 32% Dainer, неизвестно - 30% TK-430, 22 - 26% i1knower, 22 - 12% -------------------- "Невинный блаженец" © D.G.
Ilaan vanished – and took all the sounds and sources of light along. Only Ilaan remained. Down on his knees, an obedient servant of the Force, just like all those months ago. It spoke to him – and he listened, without saying a word. Out of his silence, the sounds and images appeared, filling the space around them, giving the reality its meaning and weight, just like clean white cloth that gradually becomes heavy with blood when it covers the body. |
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![]() Trust the Force ![]() Группа: Jedi Council Сообщений: 14851 Регистрация: 14.7.2006 Пользователь №: 3009 Награды: 9 ![]() |
Ах да, сам-то не отметился - 78%
Кстати, поддержу инициативу Бэйна и тоже раскрою карты. ![]() Будет о чем писать в "Человек над тобой" ![]() () Smoked. (x) Drank alcohol. () Cried when someone died. () Been drunk. () Had sex. (x) Been to a concert. () gotten/given a handjob. () gotten/given a blowjob. () Been verbally/sexually harassed. () Verbally/sexually harassed somebody. () Felt someone up and/or been felt up. (x) Laughed so hard something came out of your nose. () Cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend before. () Been cheated on by a boyfriend/girlfriend. (x) Been to prom. (x) Cried at school. () Gotten lost in a WalMart or a department store. () Went streaking. () Given or received a lap dance. (x) Had someone of the opposite sex in your room. () Had someone of the opposite sex sleep over. () Slept over at someone of the opposite sex's house. () Kissed a stranger. () Hugged a stranger. () Went scuba diving. () Driven a car. (x) Gotten an x-ray. () Hit by a car. () Had a party. () Done serious drugs. () Played strip poker/darts. () Got paid to strip for someone. () Run away from home. () Broken a bone. () Eaten sushi. () Bought porn. () Watched porn. () Made porn. () Had a crush on someone of the same sex. () Been in love. () Made Out. (x) Laughed so hard you cried. () Cried yourself to sleep. () Laughed yourself to sleep. () Stabbed yourself. (x) Shot a gun. () Trash talked someone and then acted like their best friend the next day. (x) Been online for 9 consecutive hours. () Watched TV for 9 consecutive hours. () Watched an animal die. () Watched a person die. () Kissed and/or messed around somewhere with at least 1 person. (x) Pranked somebody. () Put somebody in the hospital. (x) Snuck into someone's room and/or your own room after being out. () Kissed somebody of the same sex. () Dressed punk. () Dressed goth. () Dressed preppy. () Been to a motocross race. (x) Avoided somebody. () Been stalked. () Stalked someone. (x) Met a celebrity. (x) Played an instrument. (x) Ridden a horse. (x) Cut yourself. () Bungee jumped. () Ding dong ditched somebody. () Been to a wild party. () Got caught stealing something. () Kicked/punched a guy in the balls. () Stolen a boyfriend/girlfriend from a friend. () Gone out with your friend's crush. () Got arrested. () Been pregnant. () Babysat. (x) Been to another country. () Started your house on fire. () Had an encounter with a ghost. () Donated your hair to cancer patients. () Been asked out by someone that you never thought you'd be asked out by. () Cried over a member of the opposite sex. () Had a boyfriend/girlfriend for over 3 months. () Sat on your butt all day. (x) Ate a whole carton of ice cream all by yourself. (x) Had a job. () Gotten cut from a sports team. () Been called a wh***. () Danced like a wh***. (x) Been mistaken as older than your own age. (x) Been in a car accident. () Been told you have beautiful eyes. () Been told you have beautiful hair. () Raped somebody. () Danced in the rain. () Been rejected. () Walked out of a restaurant without paying. () Punched someone/slapped someone in the face. () Been raped. -------------------- "Невинный блаженец" © D.G.
Ilaan vanished – and took all the sounds and sources of light along. Only Ilaan remained. Down on his knees, an obedient servant of the Force, just like all those months ago. It spoke to him – and he listened, without saying a word. Out of his silence, the sounds and images appeared, filling the space around them, giving the reality its meaning and weight, just like clean white cloth that gradually becomes heavy with blood when it covers the body. |
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Текстовая версия | Сейчас: 14.3.2025, 11:08 |