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![]() Trust the Force ![]() Группа: Jedi Council Сообщений: 14851 Регистрация: 14.7.2006 Пользователь №: 3009 Награды: 9 ![]() |
Club Jade буквально пару часов назад сделал репост весьма интересной статьи - "Yes, There Are Gays in Space: Queer Star Wars Fandom" И, ей богу, не могу с ней не согласиться: миру "Звездных войн" определенно нужно перешагнуть через консервативные каноны сюжетостроения и облика героев, и официально объявленный "перезапуск" проекта с выходом на новый виток развития - отличная возможность это сделать; как в новых фильмах, так и в альтернативных произведениях новообразованной Единой Вселенной. И этот процесс определенно должен быть шире (и умнее), чем редкие подачки ЛГБТ-сообществу в играх Bioware. Данная тема заслуживает куда более качественного освещения и исследования, чем маргинальные слэш-фанфики, и новое поколение ЗВ-авторов (тем более, что Lucasfilm сейчас активно привлекает молодых и незашоренных творцов) вполне могло бы это осуществить.
Известные на данный момент персонажи Для чего все это нужно: отзывы ЛГБТ-фанатов о своем контакте со "Звездными войнами
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![]() Trust the Force ![]() Группа: Jedi Council Сообщений: 14851 Регистрация: 14.7.2006 Пользователь №: 3009 Награды: 9 ![]() |
Eleven-ThirtyEight подготовили новый отчет по диверсификации персонажей в "Звездных войнах". Он местами излишне категоричен, но все равно весьма познавателен:
Цитата Things are definitely improving. While not spelled out in the above, I did count LGBTQ characters toward a story’s score, and I’m proud to report that we’ve gone from about eight canon characters a year ago to over a dozen now, including the first nonbinary human character in the form of Life Debt‘s Eleodie Maracavanya (who, incidentally, does not yet have a Wookieepedia page—someone get on that).
Like last year, this year’s improvement in the diversity realm is less of quantity than of quality. The Force Awakens‘s diversity score was 62—better than A New Hope and ESB, but nowhere near the prequels and not even quite as high as Return of the Jedi or the EU. But much like Servants of the Empire before it, its two main characters were a woman and a black man, which in a Star Wars film, the first in a decade, is as game-changing as it gets. Rey and Finn were joined by a Latino fighter pilot, a female Resistance general, and a female stormtrooper commander in secondary roles. Many of the film’s WHMs (white human men) were tertiary First Order officers with one line, much like the Imperials of the OT, except this time even the FO had a handful of women. TFA, while short of ideal, is the perfect distillation of the new canon’s approach to diversity—the demographics are roughly the same, but the balance of power has shifted drastically. [...] Alas, pretty much all of them—the average Star Wars story is 78% male. The highest proportion of women in a book is Heir to the Jedi‘s 28%, and the highest proportion in a film or TV series is Attack of the Clones‘ 37%. In the entire canon, only AotC and The Phantom Menace manage to hit or exceed one-third, and most are less than one-quarter. Tarkin and The Empire Strikes Back, already the lowest two diversity scores, consist of an absolutely dismal 4% and 7% female characters respectively. [...] I’m coming to see this as a very simple pass/fail scenario—if your story has more than a handful of characters, and it’s not set in a men’s prison or prep school, either half of those characters should be female or you’re doing it wrong. This is why people are forever arguing about Padmé, or Black Widow in the Marvel films—when there’s only one woman of real significance, she has no choice but to stand in for all women, and no one character can be everything to everyone. Imagine how young boys would have felt coming out of the prequels if the only character they had to identify with was Anakin! -------------------- "Невинный блаженец" © D.G.
Ilaan vanished – and took all the sounds and sources of light along. Only Ilaan remained. Down on his knees, an obedient servant of the Force, just like all those months ago. It spoke to him – and he listened, without saying a word. Out of his silence, the sounds and images appeared, filling the space around them, giving the reality its meaning and weight, just like clean white cloth that gradually becomes heavy with blood when it covers the body. |
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Текстовая версия | Сейчас: 1.3.2025, 16:01 |