Daisy Ridley (twitter): "guys the world and his wife can update IMDB [to say that I'm playing Jaina Solo]. Just saying" (June 14, 2014) It soon after disappeared from IMDb and the tweet deleted.
Daisy Ridley: "Oh really? I never heard that [Rey is the daughter of Han Solo and...]. <laughs>" "No, I did. I did. There was so many rumors. I'm so excited for people to watch the film, and yeah, know what happens there." (April 30, 2015)
Daisy Ridley: "Let's see what this question is going to be... am I Han Solo's daughter?" Ignores interviewer's invitation to tell him. "How Rey feels about Han... I guess we'll have to wait and see. December 18th, guys. Tune in." (August 16, 2015)
•"[Is Rey reincarnated Padmй who gets adopted by her now grown up daughter?] I thought [Rey] was Darth Plagueis???" (December 3, 2015)
•"Also, why leave out Rey Porkins' last name in the credits?" (December 17, 2015)
•"[People forget how much Star Wars movies don't actually tell like Tatooine not being named until the end of The Empire Strikes Back?] And Leia's last name was never said. HEEEYYYY. Maybe she's a SKYWALKER!" (December 18, 2015)
•"Someone will cite [this Hamill food joke / "dad joke"] to bolster their Rey theories. :)" (December 26, 2015)
•"I've seen that theory [that Rey is the granddaughter of Obi-Wan Kenobi) floating around." (December 27, 2015)
•"What if Rey is a Crawley [like Downton Abbey]?" (December 31, 2015)
•"Do you think Rey Star Wars is Luke Star Wars' daughter?" (January 8, 2016)
•"But [Rey is] reincarnated Palpatine...." (January 22, 2016) "Also congrats on unlocking Rey's last name, Stabsalot." (January 22, 2016)
•"[Rey is] Princess Kendalina. Standing by that theory." (January 22, 2016)
•"[Is Rey the daughter of Ezra and Sabine?] No." (February 4, 2016)
•"[Why did Snoke refer to Leia by her first name in the novelization?] Because he did so in the script - seems Leia & Snoke knew each other." (March 3, 2016)
•[Reference] "[Mark Hamill] gets it [with the dad jokes]." (March 17, 2016) (previous Hamill dad jokes - Isaac - Ridley)
•"Like what [did J. J. Abrams ignore in the canon]?" (March 24, 2016) "Seems to me that story hasn't been done yet to make the call if it's broken anything [in regard to the origin of Rey and her power]." (March 24, 2016)
•"Aren't 40% of the Rey parentage theories dependent on accents being genetic? :)" (April 2, 2016)
Dosmit Rжh
•"[Did Rey take her name from that rebel helmet that she keeps?] That is a neat idea. We'll have to see what pans out." (December 28, 2015)
•"[Did Rey name herself after Dosmit Rжh?] It's an interesting line of speculation, but nothing conclusive has been said one way or another." (January 17, 2016)
•"[Is Dosmit Rжh Rey's mother?] Seems unlikely, since Dosmit's helmet was in the ruins of the Battle of Jakku, that occurred a decade before Rey was born." (February 28, 2016)
Disney Infinity 3.0 The Force Awakens game
•"Oh for Teedo's sake. [In Disney Infinity The Force Awakens] [Kylo Ren] says. 'Face me!' And then instantly says 'CURSES' [not cousin] because he took a hit." (December 23, 2015) "'Hey should we record this cousin line? The movie doesn't really seem to go there.' 'Sure.'" (December 23, 2015)
•"Oh, come on. He says, 'Face me!' And then says 'CURSES' because he's been hit." (December 23, 2015) "I know! Like, why would that [alleged cousin] line even be recorded?" (December 23, 2015)
•"This has been debunked. He says 'face me' and then says 'curses' [not cousin] because he gets hit in combat." (December 24, 2015)
The stone on Ach-To
•"That's a needlessly difficult surface to dig a grave in [on Ach-To / Skellig Michael]." (February 25, 2016) "Also, it's a rock." (February 25, 2016)
•"[Is that a grave that Luke is standing by on Ach-To?] Sometimes a rock is just a rock." (March 4, 2016)
Leia/Han/Ben family
•"[Am I allowed to tell you that Rey is 100% definitely not Han/Leia's daughter? Is there no more hope for that?] Half the fun of Star Wars is speculating. It wouldn't be any fun to have someone take that away." (December 19, 2015)
•"[Will the line 'What girl?!' have any deeper when Rey's parentage is finally revealed or is it an in error with the script?] An error? Well, I guess we'll have to wait and see." (December 27, 2015)
•"I can think of one major difference [between Rey and Jaina Solo]." (January 5, 2016)
•"Kylo doesn't know Rey's name. Why would he? *throws match on gasoline can*" (January 11, 2016)
•"[Hasn't Abrams said at some point that Rey was created without a specific ethnicity in mind?] I recall there was an interview where he said neither Finn nor Rey were written with specific ethnicity in mind. Look 4 it." (February 5, 2016) "[Doesn't this logically eliminate Rey Solo and kill speculation? #logic] I've found logic doesn't have much place on the Internet. Or facts. :)" (February 5, 2016) "[Did I just debunk Rey Solo?] I just pointed out that JJ said a thing in an interview. People are free to jump to conclusions." (February 5, 2016)
•[Reference] "Quick! Someone ask Daisy Ridley about Snoke! :)" (March 4, 2016) "I was gonna joke 'ask her about Plagueis' and then I remembered some reporter asked her about that before the movie came out. lol" (March 4, 2016) "'Daisy, how long would you say an Executor-class Star Dreadnought is?'" (March 4, 2016)
•"[Is the Rey Solo coffin firmly closed, courtesy of Daisy Ridley?] Well, I think she'd know. But I'll leave it that." (March 4, 2016) [Isn't Daisy Ridley gonna get in trouble for revealing stuff?] Who could possibly get mad at a face like that? :)" (March 4, 2016)
•"I think what Maz says to Rey about the belonging she seeks says a lot. But I guess that requires believing Maz." (March 4, 2016) "And that the person she's waiting for is never coming back. Would it make sense if Maz meant someone who's upstairs?" (March 4, 2016) "Oh, I was addressing Daisy's claim of it being obvious...." (March 4, 2016) "But, as far as Luke goes, Maz says the person she's waiting for is never coming back. But there is one who still might." (March 4, 2016) "So, yeah, two separate people in Maz's words." (March 4, 2016) "[is this person never coming back or ?] Maz seems to think that. How much weight do you give her words?" (March 5, 2016) "Rey's waiting for her family. She says as much to BB-8. It's what keeps her on Jakku." (March 29, 2016) "Maz doesn't know Rey at all. That's why she asked Han about her." (March 29, 2016) "She's saying Person(s) X aren't coming back. But Luke might." (March 31, 2016) "I think [Maz] sees how limiting holding onto this idea of a return is to [Rey]. Everyone sees it but her." (March 31, 2016) "I guess we'll see [how literal Maz's words are]. But the most basic read seems to be 'Stay on that desert planet and you'll be alone.'" (March 31, 2016)
•"[The possibility] that Leia had a child without Han? Yeah, that doesn't work at all." (March 5, 2016) "[Han and Leia split] when their son became a murderer. Given the age difference between Rey and Kylo, for what you proposed to be true..." (March 5, 2016) "... Kylo would have been 10? Kinda weird all around." (March 5, 2016)
•"[When Leia says 'that's when I lost you both' (about sending Ben to train with Luke), does she mean an emotional separation?] That's a good read. But we'll have to wait and see." (March 5, 2016)
•[Reference] "[Who told Rey about Leia? JJ said she heard of her before they met?] Han or Chewie, I imagine. My money's on the Wookiee." (March 9, 2016) "[Would Han have avoided talking about personal topics like his marriage with Rey?] I would think so too. But on the flight back from the Starkiller, I can see her and Chewie talking about it." (March 9, 2016) "[Do Abrams words about Rey and Leia scene mean it is the first time they meet each other?] Yep. He says 'Never having met.'" (March 10, 2016) "[How can Leia and Rey have a reunion if they have never met?] who called it a reunion?" (March 10, 2016) "[J.J. did in the same quote?] hilarious. Well, debate it till 2019 I guess." (March 10, 2016)
•"[Were you surprised about Rey and Kylo Ren shippers?] I never go in with any shipping expectations." (March 11, 2016)
•"[Kylo Ren didn't mean to hurt Rey during the interrogation?] It's interrogation. Look at how much it hurts Poe. It is not a pleasant process. It is a violation." (March 15, 2016) " I wouldn't use that particular word ['sexualized']. But that's really a question for the filmmakers." (March 15, 2016)
•[Reference] "[In regard to the line in the Junior novelization about Han wanting Kylo Ren's forgiveness] Well we do know that Kylo considers Han a disappointment. So there's that." (March 27, 2016) "Kylo brings it up to Rey in the context of a father figure. He would've disappointed you, he says." (March 27, 2016) "[Force bonds don't] just exist between master and apprentice. Luke and Leia seem to have a strong bond once it awakens in her." (March 27, 2016) "There's nothing that says it couldn't happen [between Rey and Kylo Ren]. There's not much extant to say it will happen either. We'll see." (March 27, 2016) "It's a yes to 'aren't @pablohidalgo's indirect answers infuriating?' :)" (March 27, 2016)
•"[Would you say Rey+Kylo Ren shippers are wasting their time? Because The Jedi Council Forums seem to think so?] I wouldn't worry what an online forum thinks. Especially about wasting time." (March 29, 2016)
•"Did Rey & Finn hear all of the conversation that Han & Kylo had on the bridge? Big distance.] I doubt it." (March 29, 2016)
•"[The camera cuts when Maz asks Han "Who's the girl"] so we don't need to hear Han say what we already know?" (April 1, 2016) "No, I meant, 'she's this girl I found on the Falcon. Stole it on Jakku. Mopey about that world. Thinks someone's coming back'" (April 1, 2016) "People can speculate [about why the cut away]. I'm just saying it doesn't have to be any reason other than the obvious." (April 1, 2016) "No, [she thinks] her family [is coming back]. She thinks Luke Skywalker is a myth." (April 1, 2016)
•"Yeah, [The Force Awakens video documentary part about Kylo Ren] just reads as 'parents were too busy' kind of thing." (April 1, 2016) "What the visual dictionary implies is your most [accurate] window into what went down. But it's, by necessity, implication right now." (April 1, 2016) (April 1, 2016)
•"[Any words of encouragement for those of us who love Han and Leia and are not willing to see them portrayed as bad parents?] You could choose to believe Leia's take on the matter, which she states in TFA." (April 1, 2016) "[That's not good enough an answer?] But in the absence of any other information, why reject what a character you presumably trust is telling you?" (April 1, 2016) "It reminds me of the Sana Solo thing. No one seemed to believe Han when he said it wasn't true. Everyone presumed the worst." (April 1, 2016) "[But Abrams and Driver saying in the documentary that Han and Leia were absent parents?] Or that's what Kylo felt about it. There's a difference. And more to it. The story hasn't been told. There's years to go." (April 1, 2016)
•"You know who's to blame for Kylo's actions? Kylo is. Just like Anakin's responsible for what he did." (April 1, 2016) "[Anakin] knows right from wrong. He made a choice." (April 1, 2016) "[Leia blames Snoke?] Just like a mom. :)" (April 1, 2016) "[Are you saying Kylo Ren cannot be redeemed?] a path to redemption is a choice Anakin made too." (April 1, 2016)
•"What makes [Kylo Ren] interesting is his bloodline. And, I like that he's a take on entitlement. That's feels fresh." (April 2, 2016) "What makes Kylo interesting is his bloodline. I like that a lot." (April 2, 2016) "[The ole millennial with famous parents angle?} That and he's the perfect embodiment of the Original Trilogy fan. :)" (April 2, 2016) "Kylo & the FO are collectors & OT purists who think the Empire was teh best & hate PT things like Jedi & Senate :)" (April 2, 2016) "[Kylo Ren thinks he's doing the right thing?] Yep. I think that's what makes him scary. And the fact that a lot of people could empathize with him." (April 2, 2016) "[Was Kylo Ren being literal when he said that the Skywalker lightsaber belonged to him?] Well. I'll say Kylo does a pretty good job of embodying entitlement as a character trait." (April 2, 2016) "I get a sense that as the 'Jedi killer' he feels he alone is heir to their legacy not some lowly scavenger." (April 3, 2016) "I think there's a lot of shifting ground here (literally!) as [Kylo Ren] starts to believe what [Rey] can do." (April 3, 2016)
•"[Ben's middle name?] Any name beyond Ben hasn't been revealed anywhere." (April 2, 2016) "[Kylo Ren?] Come on. You know what I mean. Real names." (April 2, 2016)
•"Actually, [the Kylo Ren StarWars.com databank entry is] spot on. It's the Knights of Ren stuff that's not being defined in any current works." (April 2, 2016) "[Where is the information in the Kylo Ren databank from?] Combination of sources. Recall that the Visual Dictionary identifies Kylo as the 'Jedi killer.'" (April 2, 2016) "Luke was training a new generation of Jedi, it all went wrong because of 1 boy, and he's the "Jedi killer" - that's the source" (April 2, 2016) "I'd say its inclusion in the Visual Dictionary makes it fact. It's part of [Kylo Ren's] back-story." (April 2, 2016) [A lot of arguing has gone on about that databank line about Kylo Ren killing the Jedi apprentices?] Is this message board drama stuff? I'm glad I don't hear it. :)" (April 2, 2016)
•Unanswered and ignored question: What is Leia's right-hand ring? - compilation of unanswered tweets
•Unanswered and ignored question: What is the "profound tragedy" that affected Han Solo's life mentioned in the TFA Visual Dictionary? - Tweet 1 - Tweet 2
Kylo Ren to Rey: "It is you."
•"Reading a lot made of Kylo saying, 'it is you,' in the novel, but he says the same in the movie. Which is a callback to the awakening line." (December 24, 2015) "[What is evident in the film?] 'there's been an awakening. Have you felt it?' / 'It is you.'" (December 24, 2015)
•"[Is Kylo's line 'It is you' canon? And is it recognition or him acknowledging that she represents the awakening?] Based on all that's in the film story, it's [Kylo Ren] recognizing [Rey as] what Snoke described as an awakening. Let's see what happens." (February 23, 2016)
The temple massacre of Luke's Jedi apprentices backstory
•"Let's not call it a 'Jedi Academy.' But it wasn't that long ago. Timeline will be told through stories, not tweets. :)" (December 22, 2015) "Yeah. [The attack] was more recent than [14/15 years ago]." (December 22, 2015)
•"Let's use ''temple". That's the right term." (January 3, 2016) "Fair enough. [The attack on the temple] happened less than 14 years ago. What's the connection to Rey?" (January 3, 2016)
•"Why do people think that [the temple flashback was 14 years ago]?" (January 5, 2016) "Do I [phrase tweets as questions]? (See what I did there? Twice!)" (January 5, 2016)
•"I think people like drawing connections between Rey's abandonment and the massacre at the temple based on nothing at all. No info." (March 8, 2016)
•"There's nothing that says that Luke has been missing for 10 years before TFA." (March 28, 2016) "Ask me [again about the time Luke's beeen missing] after [Claudia Gray's] Bloodlines. :)" (March 28, 2016)
Rey's Force vision in the The Force Awakens film, novelizations, and books
•"[The guy stabbed by Kylo Ren was from] some other group [not Luke's Jedi students]. Production name was 'clan leader'". (December 20, 2016) "Now that the script's out - It's somewhere else, [not the new Jedi Order]. Production identified that warrior as 'clan leader'." (January 1, 2016)
•"I don't recall stating Rey's age [as 5 years old] when she was left on Jakku." (January 3, 2016)
•"[Is 'dropped off' or 'left' behind the better way to describe Rey's situation on Jakku?] 'Abandoned' seems to fit best if that vision is any indicator." (March 5, 2016) "Did they say [they were coming back] or did Rey hope so?" (March 5, 2016) "[A voice says so in the novelization ("I'll come back, sweetheart."), I guess she could've imagined it...?] [Rey] seemed very young. But I guess we'll find out in time." (March 5, 2016)
•"[In the book Rey's Story she claims to have no memory of her parents or why she's in Jakku. could she have been mind wiped?] Or just have been young. And repressing. Several options there." (March 6, 2016)
•"[Was it really a woman who said 'I will come back ...sweetheart?' to Rey in the novelization?] FAQ: In the shooting script (which is what Foster wrote the novel off of) it is identified as "MAN'S VOICE (V.O.)". (March 9, 2016) "[Is it officially canon that is a man's voice?] I would say so. That was the intent." (March 9, 2016) "[Was the voice female in the audio book version?] I just listened to the audio book. It's a guy doing it, and it's not like he's doing his 'female' voice." (March 9, 2016) "[Any reason why they cut it out of the film?] Not sure. But given that this scene is such a postproduction scene, the shooting script is really just a sketch." (March 9, 2016)
•"[Little Rey knew who she was yelling "come back" to?] What you're asking is did 19 year old Rey remember what 5 year old Rey saw." (April 4, 2016) "The question is what does she really know, what has she imagined, and what does she actually recollect from that event." (April 4, 2016) "Well, the bit with her 5 year old self is [a memory]. Except for her seeing it in third person, I suppose." (April 4, 2016)
Lor San Tekka
•"[Is it just a coincidence that Lor San Tekka and Rey are both on Jakku or is there more to that?] More to do with where Jakku is. The lead up to the battle of Jakku narrative should offer more insight." (December 28, 2015)
Rogue One
•"[I was searching Google for Rogue One] Rey theories. :)" (February 29, 2016) "There are crazy theories out there. Jar Jar level crazy." (February 29, 2016)
•"Given that no one knows a thing about [Felicity Jones's character in Rogue One] [it] seems like a huge and desperate stretch [for her to be Rey's mother]." (March 16, 2016)
George Lucas
•"[Episode VII] started off with [George Lucas's] treatments, which resembled nothing of the EU." (February 28, 2016) "The art of book has a bit [of his story treatments]. Making of book would have more. What you'd expect: no Jaina, Jacen, Mara etc. Chewie alive." (February 28, 2016)
•"There's a making of book in the works I'd rather not scoop. But the core idea - a young girl's journey to become a Jedi - is [from George Lucas]." (March 12, 2016)
•"fwiw George was at least willing to read summaries of [Jaina and Jacen Solo]." (March 17, 2016)
•"2012. And to think a movie trilogy with a female lead was just starting work." (March 17, 2016)