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7.1.2016, 11:39
Не то что всякие КВМы Группа: Ветераны JC Сообщений: 1655 Регистрация: 28.12.2015 Пользователь №: 27920 Награды: 1 Предупреждения: (0%) |
Меньше чем через год состоится премьера первого спин-оффа "Звёздных войн" - фильма "Изгой" (премьера - 16 декабря 2016 года). Эта тема - специально для обсуждения слухов, ожиданий и фактов о новом фильме.
--------------------Добавлено через 52 сек. Слухи о первом трейлере |
7.1.2016, 12:34
Группа: Участники Сообщений: 2900 Регистрация: 19.12.2015 Пользователь №: 27876 Предупреждения: (0%) |
There’s a really interesting rumor that is unverified but we’ve heard it multiple times, so it feels like now is the time to report it as it could be good info on Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. If this pans out, it would be considered spoilers. I do believe this information to be accurate. You can consider this your spoiler warning in case that’s not clear.
Mads Mikkelsen (Galen appears to be his name in the film) is kind of the key to the film in a way. He is a scientist that took over the Geonosian Death Star project. He solved several of the flaws the Empire could not and is sort of a revered person in the Empire for his contributions. However, Mikkelsen’s character is a Robert Oppenheimer-type character. Oppenheimer helped design the atomic bomb only to say, “Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.” The guilt “Galen” feels for his contributions to the Empire become too much and he defects, attempting to make things right. In order to do this, he enlists the help of his only daughter…. Felicity Jones’ character has to undo the devastation her family has unleashed onto the galaxy. Early versions of this character had her as a bounty hunter type of mercenary. But with the familial connections it appears as if this idea might not interface with the final stuff for the character so I’m hesitant to say she’s a bounty hunter/mercenary type in the final iterations of the film. I believe she is probably a scientist-type herself in character of the mission to get the plans, aided by bounty hunters, in this final iteration. (But I could be wrong about that part.) |
Текстовая версия | Сейчас: 10.1.2025, 16:37 |