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![]() Пользователь забанен Группа: Наказанные Сообщений: 1904 Регистрация: 2.1.2016 Пользователь №: 27933 Награды: 2 Предупреждения: (10%) ![]() ![]() |
Первые фото со съёмок спин-оффа о Хане Соло ![]() Портал TMZ опубликовал фото со съёмок пока что безымянного фильма о юности Хана Соло. Наконец-то мы можем представить, как исполнитель главной роли Олден Эренрайк будет выглядеть в кадре. Также на фото попало несколько экземпляров техники из будущей ленты (осторожно, могут быть спойлеры!):
Развернуть К сожалению, другие исполнители главных ролей в кадр не попали. Напоминаем, что выход фильма о Соло обещан 25 мая 2018 года. |
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![]() Be Kind, Rewind ![]() Группа: Админы Сообщений: 15583 Регистрация: 8.9.2005 Пользователь №: 525 Награды: 5 ![]() |
, с тобой даже говорить не хочу. Защищать будешь, как твою франшизу превратят в безликое говно. Ни одной стоящей планеты за два фильма. Все таланты над локациями Стражей работают, вестимо.
-------------------- starchive.network — сайт-энциклопедия, посвящённый истории русскоязычных сайтов про «Звёздные войны» |
![]() Trust the Force ![]() Группа: Jedi Council Сообщений: 14851 Регистрация: 14.7.2006 Пользователь №: 3009 Награды: 9 ![]() |
франшизу превратят в безликое говно Ну а тут, пожалуй, слово Джорджу Лукасу ![]() "I'm trying to make props that don't stand out. I'm trying to make everything look very natural, a casual almost I've-seen-this-before look. You see it in the painting we've had done, especially the one that Ralph McQuarrie did of the banthas. You look at that painting of the Tusken Raiders and the banthas, and you say, 'Oh yeah, Bedouines…' Then you look at it some more and say, 'Wait a minute, that's not right. Those aren't Bedouines, and what are those creatures back there?' Like the X-wing and TIE fighter battle, you say, 'I've seen that, it's World War II – but wait a minute – that isn't any kind of jet I've ever seen before.' I want the whole film to have that quality! It's a very hard thing to come by, because it should look very familiar but that the same time not be familiar at all. […] I keep saying, 'Keep it nondescript.' I say that every time, every place I can. It can be a computer, but it's got to be a nondescript computer. I don't want anything to stand out. I don't want any of the costumes, any of the spaceships, any sets, any animals – I don't want anything in the movie to stand out. I want you to walk out of the movie and if somebody asks you what were they wearing, I want you to say, 'I can't remember what they were wearing. I can't remember what the sets were like.' If they ask, 'What did the ray guns look like?' You'd say, 'I don't know – they just looked like ray guns'. If the whole movie looks like that, it'll be terrific. It'll be absolutely the opposite of what all the science-fiction movies are. With every other science-fiction movie, you remember what every set looks like, you know exactly the costumes they were wearing, because it all stands out and it all looks like it's been designed" -------------------- "Невинный блаженец" © D.G.
Ilaan vanished – and took all the sounds and sources of light along. Only Ilaan remained. Down on his knees, an obedient servant of the Force, just like all those months ago. It spoke to him – and he listened, without saying a word. Out of his silence, the sounds and images appeared, filling the space around them, giving the reality its meaning and weight, just like clean white cloth that gradually becomes heavy with blood when it covers the body. |
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Текстовая версия | Сейчас: 14.3.2025, 10:54 |