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> Обмен/покупка миниатюр Wizard of the Coast
сообщение 12.6.2020, 20:46
Сообщение #1

Группа: Участники
Сообщений: 45
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Есть редкие миньки Wizard of the Coast на обмен

The Force Unleashed
TFU 3 RepublicRebel Shaak Ti, Jedi Master
TFU 14 Rebel Luke Skywalker and Yoda
TFU 29 Imperial Admiral Ozzel
TFU 45 New RepublicRebel Garm Bel Iblis
TFU 56 Fringe PROXY

Knights of the Old Republic
KotOR 2 Old Republic Bao-Dur
KotOR 9 Old Republic Squint
KotOR 10 Old Republic Visas Marr
KotOR 22 Republic Captain Panaka
KotOR 41 Fringe Jarael
KotOR 47 Fringe Mission Vao

Galaxy at War
GaW 25 Republic Commander Cody
GaW 32 Republic Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi General

The Dark Times
DT 22 Imperial Major Maxmilian Veers

Bounty Hunters
BH 17 Fringe Bib Fortuna

The Attack on Teth
AoT 1 Republic Anakin Skywalker, Jedi
AoT 2 Separatists Super Battle Droid

Обменяю на редкие/оч. редкие миньки, которых у меня нет. Рассмотрю предложения о покупке тех минек, которых у меня нет. Очень интересует для коллекции АТ-АТ.

Скрытая информация: Под катом длиннопост

Clone Strike
CS 3 Republic Anakin Skywalker VR
CS 5 Republic Captain Typho R
CS 8 Republic Clone Trooper Commander UC
CS 33 Separatists Count Dooku VR
CS 37 Separatists Destroyer Droid R

Revenge of the Sith
RotS 4 Republic AT-RT VR
RotS 5 Republic Bail Organa VR
RotS 14 Republic Mon Mothma VR
RotS 24 Republic Yoda, Jedi Master R
RotS 25 Separatists Battle Droid C
RotS 35 Separatists Neimoidian Soldier UC
RotS 37 Separatists San Hill R
RotS 53 Fringe Utapaun Soldier C
RotS 56 Imperial Anakin Skywalker, Sith Apprentice VR
RotS 59 Imperial Emperor Palpatine, Sith Lord VR

Champions of the Force
CotF 23 Republic Clone Commander Gree R
CotF 43 Rebel Hoth Trooper with Atgar Cannon R
CotF 49 Imperial Darth Vader, Champion of the Sith VR
CotF 54 New Republic Jaina Solo VR

Bounty Hunters
BH 6 Rebel Chewbacca with C-3PO VR
BH 7 Rebel Han Solo, Scoundrel VR
BH 14 New Republic Talon Karrde VR
BH 16 Fringe Ayy Vida R
BH 19 Fringe Boba Fett, Bounty Hunter VR
BH 20 Fringe BoShek R
BH 25 Fringe Dannik Jerriko VR
BH 34 Fringe Garindan R
BH 37 Fringe Jango Fett, Bounty Hunter VR
BH 44 Fringe Nym VR
BH 47 Fringe Tamtel Skreej (Lando Calrissian) VR
BH 52 Fringe Young Krayt Dragon VR

Alliance and Empire
AE 3 Rebel Biggs Darklighter VR
AE 8 Rebel Han Solo in Stormtrooper Armor R
AE 9 Rebel Han Solo on Tauntaun VR
AE 11 Rebel Luke Skywalker, Champion of the Force VR
AE 12 Rebel Luke Skywalker, Hero of Yavin R
AE 13 Rebel Luke's Landspeeder VR
AE 15 Rebel Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Spirit VR
AE 25 Imperial Darth Vader, Imperial Commander VR
AE 33 Imperial Storm Commando R
AE 34 Imperial Stormtrooper C
AE 38 Fringe Boba Fett, Enforcer VR
AE 41 Fringe Ephant Mon VR
AE 47 Fringe Jawa on Ronto VR
AE 49 Fringe Lando Calrissian, Dashing Scoundrel R
AE 51 Fringe Rampaging Wampa VR
AE 57 Fringe Wicket R

The Force Unleashed
TFU 10 Rebel Hoth Trooper with Repeating Blaster Cannon UC
TFU 13 Rebel Luke Skywalker, Hoth Pilot Unleashed R
TFU 15 Rebel Luke's Snowspeeder VR
TFU 18 Rebel Obi-Wan Kenobi, Unleashed R
TFU 22 Rebel Rebel Trooper on Tauntaun R
TFU 25 Rebel Vader's Apprentice, Redeemed R
TFU 27 Rebel Wedge Antilles, Red Two R
TFU 30 Imperial AT-AT Driver UC
TFU 32 Imperial Darth Vader, Unleashed VR
TFU 43 Imperial Vader's Apprentice, Unleashed VR
TFU 44 Imperial Wookiee Hunter AT-ST R
TFU 50 Fringe Felucian Warrior on Rancor VR
TFU 53 Fringe Maris Brood VR

UH 21 Fringe Lando Calrissian, Hero of Taanab R
UH 33 Imperial AT-ST R
UH 34 Imperial Baron Fel VR

Legacy of the Force
LotF 53 Mandalorians Boba Fett, Mercenary Commander VR

Knights of the Old Republic
KotOR 27 Republic Jar Jar Binks VR
KotOR 28 Republic Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padawan VR
KotOR 43 Fringe Jolee Bindo VR

Imperial Entanglements
IE 12 Imperial Darth Vader, Legacy of the Force VR

Galaxy at War
GaW 31 Republic Nahdar Vebb VR

The Dark Times
DT 4 Republic A'Sharad Hett VR
DT 21 Imperial Kir Kanos VR

Masters of the Force
MotF 1 Old Republic Cay Qel-Droma VR
MotF 28 Fringe Grievous, Kaleesh Warlord VR

AT-AT Imperial Walker
AT 1 Imperial AT-AT Imperial Walker R

Сообщение отредактировал Tamarrion - 12.6.2020, 20:47

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