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![]() Run, baby, run! Группа: Участники Сообщений: 2035 Регистрация: 6.4.2006 Пользователь №: 1993 Награды: 2 Предупреждения: (50%) ![]() ![]() |
--------------------Молодец ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() Початковый клановец) Группа: Участники Сообщений: 1384 Регистрация: 20.2.2006 Пользователь №: 1607 Предупреждения: (10%) ![]() ![]() |
Цитата(Detomir @ Суббота, 30 Сентября 2006, 20:23) точно точно, было там такое) вооще статья на твердую четверочку, есть пара не понравившихся мне моментов,но в целом 4 :) -------------------- Your tears don't fall, they crash around me
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![]() 😊 ![]() Группа: Ветераны JC Сообщений: 4885 Регистрация: 19.12.2015 Пользователь №: 27880 Предупреждения: (0%) ![]() ![]() |
А вот о не понравившися моментах, поподробнее. |
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Цитата(Detomir @ Суббота, 30 Сентября 2006, 15:17) Непомню, но на каком-то сайте по ЗВ видел инфу по геральдике. Особенное место там было уделено созданию искусственных кристалов. Там говорилось что в процессе создания учавстует Сила и что-то ещё, что придаёт кристаллу красный цвет. Но если создание чуть отклонилось может получится любой цвет. Жёлтый, красный... какой угодно. Вроде приводили пример, но его я незапомнил. Та вот. Ситх не переделывает кристалл он его берёт и неотказывается. Ведь на создание потрачено столько трудов... -------------------- Она уежает в деревню? ^_^
Она уежает в деревню! O_o Она уежает в деревню. -_- |
![]() Группа: Наказанные Сообщений: 71 Регистрация: 4.10.2006 Пользователь №: 3637 Предупреждения: (80%) ![]() ![]() |
Не хочу сказать что отппад,но тема прикольная.
![]() ![]() -------------------- Я не живу я-существую.
--------------------Я-безжалостное чудовище способное убить младенца. Я являюсь воплощением тьмы. Тьма придает мне силы. |
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Да тема Класс
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в статье есть грубые ошибки, вот лучше переведи эту статейку, и начни с исправления даты изобретения светового меча-) Статья из Вукипедии
"This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster. An elegant weapon for a more civilized age." — Obi-Wan Kenobi Designed as much for elegance in combat as for ceremony, the lightsaber was a distinctive weapon whose intergalactic recognition was instantly associated with the Force-using wielders, the Jedi. It was a blade of pure energy emitted from a hilt most often crafted by the wielder to match their own needs, preferences, and style. Because of the unique balance of the saber, with all its weight in the hilt, it was very difficult for the untrained to wield. In the hands of an expert in tune with the Force, such as the Jedi or their fallen brethren, the Sith, the lightsaber was a weapon to be greatly respected, if not feared. To wield a lightsaber was to demonstrate incredible skill and confidence, as well as masterful dexterity and attunement to the Force. Through the millennia of their use, the lightsaber became synonymous with the Jedi and their values to uphold peace and justice throughout the galaxy. This perception endured despite the many early conflicts with Sith and dark Jedi who also wielded what the general populace often called laser swords. History Odan-Urr wielding his archaic lightsaber. "I thought a Jedi was supposed to be married to their lightsaber." — Atton Rand Since the formation of the Tython Jedi after the Force Wars circa 25,000 BBY, ceremonial weapons have been an integral part of the order. The first Knights used alloy swords imbued with elements of the Force through a ritual called the Jedi Forge. Later, combining advanced offworld technology with the forging ritual, the Jedi learned to "freeze" a laser beam, technology that would lead the Jedi toward the design of future lightsabers. By the time of the Duinuogwuin Contention around 15,500 BBY, the order's studies in energy technology yielded success; the Jedi developed a method to generate a focused beam of energy that arced circumferentially back to its source, creating the first portable high-energy blade. These preliminary lightsabers were terribly unstable and inefficiently guzzled power from a belt-mounted power supply; they could only be used for brief durations before overheating. Because of these flaws in design, the first lightsabers were little more than ceremonial appurtenance to the Jedi apparel, seldom worn, much less utilized. The stability shortfalls that plagued the weapon's previous designs were corrected through the ages, so that by the Hundred-Year Darkness of 7,000 BBY the cumbersome and rare siege weapons gave way to elegant and more commonly used lightsabers. Despite their stabilty, however, power output continued to be an issue. They still required the belt-worn power pack of previous generations. The power cable from belt to blade tended to restrict the Jedi's movement in combat, but the newly stable blade granted them a superior advantage in hand-to-hand combat against heavily armored foes. ![]() Vima-Da-Boda holds out a lightsaber constructed c. 10,000 BBY. It wasn't until after the Great Hyperspace War that the modern lightsaber was designed. The restricting power cable and external power pack of old designs were replaced with internal power components by the time of the Gank Massacres in 4,800 BBY. An internal superconductor was introduced which transferred the returning looped energy from the negative-charged flux aperture back into an internal power cell. With this modification, the power cell would only expend power when the energy loop was broken (when the lightsaber blade cut into something), at last solving the ages-old power supply problem. After the Great Jedi Purge, lightsabers became rare relics prized by some collectors. In the years of Palpatine's Empire, some lightsabers found their way onto the black market and were sold for untold amounts. They only truly re-entered the galactic scene with the rise of the New Jedi Order, thanks to the teachings of Luke Skywalker and the re-discovery of ancient Jedi holocrons and teachings believed lost after the Jedi Purges. After the fall of Palpatine and the re-emergence of the Jedi, other groups of Force-users like Desann's Reborn and the Disciples of Ragnos mass-produced lightsabers to arm their fast-growing legions. By contrast, the New Jedi maintained the old ways and rituals, using their connections with the Force to personally construct their own sabers. The Imperial Knights also constructed their own lightsabers, ensuring that although they were of the same design, each weapon was unique. These lightsabers were seen as symbols of how the individual self was less than the Empire the Knights served. Construction "The crystal is the heart of the blade. The heart is the crystal of the Jedi. The Jedi is the crystal of the Force. The Force is the blade of the heart. All are intertwined: the crystal, the blade, the Jedi. You are one." — Luminara Unduli, during a lightsaber construction ceremony Listen Padawan Barriss Offee completes the construction of her lightsaber in the crystal caves of Ilum. The ritual of constructing one's own lightsaber was an integral part of Jedi training, and involved not just technological skill, but also a close attunement to the Force. In the days of the Old Republic, the ice caverns of Ilum were used as a ceremonial site where Padawans came to build their first sabers. It was here and similar places like the caves near the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine that the Jedi would choose the best focusing crystal for them through meditation and communion with the Force, then complete the assembly of their lightsaber. The lightsaber's hilt consisted of an alloy cylinder traditionally about 30 centimeters long; however, design and dimensions of hilts varied greatly in part to the preferences and physiological needs of each creator. The hilt casing contained the intricate components that created and shaped the unique blade. High powered energy was unleashed through a series of positively charged focusing lenses and energizers, manifesting a beam of energy that extended outward from the base to a length of about a meter, then arced circumferentially back to a negatively charged fissure ringing the emitter. A superconductor completed the power loop by feeding the transformed energy back into the internal power cell, where the energy loop began anew. By adding up to three focusing crystals of varying attributes, the blade's length and power output could be adjusted using control mechanisms built into the hilt's shaft. Two crystals employing a bifurcating cyclical-ignition pulse allowed the blade to be used underwater. Whether by the fledgling Padawan or the experienced master, construction of the lightsaber began with the acquisition of the necessary components with which to build the weapon. All lightsabers contain some common basic components: A cutaway of Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber from A New Hope. • A handgrip; • An activation stud plate; • A safety switch; • An emitter matrix; • A lens assembly; • A power cell; • A power conduit; • A recharge socket; • One to three focusing crystals. Many lightsabers, such as that wielded by Zayne Carrick in 3,964 BBY, made use of a pressure sensor in the hilt's grip that deactivated the blade whenever it was released. Notably, Darth Maul's double-bladed lightsaber lacked such a security measure. Other lightsabers were constructed either without the pressure sensor or with a locking mechanism to keep the blade activated when thrown or dropped. Adegan crystals Traditionally, the crystal was the last component to be sought. It was the very life essence of the weapon, and gave it both its color and potency. Much scrutiny went into the selection of this final and most important element of the lightsaber. With all the components in hand, the Jedi would begin the assembly process. Because of the intricacies of the technology used, the Force was employed to bind the components at a molecular level. This micro-manipulation of the components enabled the closed loop design to operate with near-perfect efficiency. A Jedi would often spend weeks or months putting it together, making sure that each part fit perfectly, though at the height of the Clone Wars it was reported that one could be built in as little as two days. While many lightsabers appear similar at first glance, closer inspection reveals many differences (subtle or obvious) in design. Because each Jedi personally constructed his or her own weapon from scratch, no two lightsabers were the same. However, some Padawan learners built their lightsabers to resemble those of their Masters as a sign of respect. The knowledge of lightsaber construction largely disappeared during the extermination of the Jedi, but Luke Skywalker found the records and the materials he needed to construct his first lightsaber in Obi-Wan Kenobi's hut on Tatooine. [edit] Crystal variants Crystal colour, type and number contributed to some of the variations often found in lightsabers. The colour of the crystal used decided the eventual colour of the lightsaber laser 'blade'. Three crystals in the hilt enables the user to have a lightsaber with various lengths, however at maximum length these could be unwieldy. Examples of this include the lightsabers of Corran Horn and Gantoris. During the Great Sith War epoch, many lightsabers were created using Kunda Stones, a natural geologic formation from the planet Kadril. These stones boasted numerous practical applications in medicine and communications; however, when added to other focusing crystals, they produced a more broad beam. After discovering the Kaiburr Crystal on Mimban, Luke Skywalker added a small shard of it to the focusing crystal assembly in his lightsaber. The fragment of the crystal made the blade more powerful and efficient. Other natural crystals, like Nextor and Damind crystals, could be found throughout the galaxy, and could be used in the shaping of the lightsaber's energy blade. [edit] Hilt variants Darth Sidious's electrum lightsaber Electrum —A lightsaber with a hilt forged from gold-like electrum was often called an "Electrum lightsaber". The electrum finish gave the lightsaber a majestic, regal appearance and in the last days of the Old Jedi Order, golden and electrum lightsabers were reserved for senior members of the Jedi Council. Mace Windu's and Darth Sidious' lightsabers were examples of such kind. Curve-hilted lightsaber — A standard design during the prime of Form II lightsaber combat, curved hilts allowed more precise movements as well as perfect flexibility in lightsaber-to-lightsaber combat. It was also more complex and gave the maker more of a challenge in aligning its crystals. This lightsaber was known to be used by Count Dooku, his apprentice Komari Vosa, and later his Dark Side Adept Asajj Ventress. Asajj Ventress's lightsabers could combine to make a curved double blade. This was also known as paired lightsabers. [edit] Blade variants Dual-phase Lightsaber — Multiple crystals allowed the user to switch between two blade lengths in battle with the dual-phase saber. It was a quite common lightsaber type both in the Old Jedi Order and the New Jedi Order. Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader wielded such a lightsaber, as did, for example, Exar Kun, Micah Giett, Gantoris, and Corran Horn. Great Lightsaber or Lightclub — Special focusing crystals and power systems enabled this rare lightsaber to project a blade up to 3 meters in length. These large lightsabers were generally used only by beings of immense stature. Gorc, a mutated Gamorrean Dark Jedi, used such a weapon. Yoda wielding his short lightsaber. Short Lightsaber — The short lightsaber employed a shorter blade than the more common lightsaber. The smaller blade allowed for easier use in combat by those Jedi who were of a smaller stature, such as Jedi Masters Yoda and Tsui Choi. Also, a short lightsaber was sometimes utilized in the Niman (Jar'Kai) combat style, which was used by the ancient Jedi Master Kavar. Lightdagger — The lightdagger was a lightsaber with a shorter blade and could be used as an assault knife. Luke Skywalker constructed his own lightdaggers after the Battle of Endor. Because this type of lightsaber had a very small blade, it could be easily used by non-Force-sensitives. Black Sun vigo Darnada's bodyguard, Sinya, carried two baton-style lightdaggers. Master Sora Bulq during the Clone Wars era was known to carry a lightdagger which he used in combat with Senior Jedi Master Mace Windu. Training lightsabers — The training lightsaber was used by Jedi Younglings, to practice lightsaber combat. While non-lethal, contact with the blade could cause bruising and even minor burns. This type of lightsaber was often used in conjunction with the basic Shii-Cho style of lightsaber combat. [edit] Weapon variants Darth Maul wields a double-bladed lightsaber against Obi-Wan Kenobi. Double-bladed lightsaber — also called a Saberstaff, Lightsaber Lance, or Lightstaff — A long-hilted version of the standard lightsaber. Each blade could be activated independently of one another or simultaneously. It could be one hilt or two normal lightsabers attached together. This was often even more dangerous to the untrained wielder than to the opponent. It came to be known as a Sith lightsaber because it was preferred by Sith and was possibly invented by Dark Lord of the Sith Exar Kun, whose lightsaber was both double-bladed and dual-phase. This made his personal style of lightsaber combat very complex, as he would vary the strength and length of either blade independently; sometimes letting the opponent's blade pass right through his, sometimes blocking. Darth Maul was inspired by Kun and created his own saber staff which he used with amazing prowess. Asajj Ventress would connect her two curve-hilted lightsabers together to form a unique type of saber staff termed fiber-cord linked lightsabers. It was also temporarily popularized by the Jedi during the Mandalorian Wars, where it was more useful then the standard lightsaber when fighting the extremely skilled and powerful Mandalorians. Fiber-cord linked lightsaber — A form of dual-blade lightsaber, the hilts of this weapon were joined by a fiber cord. More difficult to control than a double-bladed saber, the fiber cord joint of the weapon gave the wielder the benefit of striking from unexpected angles. Asajj Ventress's lightsabers were modified to accommodate a fiber cord link on occasion. Forked lightsaber — This form of twin-bladed lightsaber was essentially a regular crystal lightsaber with a second emitter coming out of the hilt at a 45 degree angle to the axis of the lightsaber. The hilt was also slightly curved. One of the few known Jedi Knights to use this lightsaber style was Roblio Darté, who fought in the Clone Wars at the Battle of Parcelus Minor. Lightsaber cane — The Veknoid Jedi Master Zao carried a weathered wooden cane, upon which he atttached a lightsaber emitter. Although blind, Zao could still utilize the weapon with frightening accuracy. The Legacy era Sith Darth Nihl also used a lightsaber cane. Githany fights Kiel Charny with her lightwhip. Lightwhip — The lightwhip was an exotic variation of the lightsaber that only specially trained Jedi could wield. It could either have a solid core of cortosis or other lightsaber-resistant minerals (see below) or it could be a blade sheathed in deadly energy. Like the lightsaber, it emitted a coherent beam of energy, but unlike the lightsaber's, it was long and flexible to be wielded like a whip. Known users of the lightwhip included Jedi Kit Fisto, Dark Jedi Lumiya, the Sith Lord Githany, and possibly the Black Sun Vigo Xist. [edit] Lightsaber colors Saesee Tiin, Agen Kolar, Mace Windu, and Kit Fisto illustrate the various colors used in Jedi lightsaber construction. The color of a lightsaber blade was defined by the focusing crystal used in its construction. The Jedi collected crystals of varying types and hues from natural deposits, whereas the Sith made use of fabricated synth-crystals designed to emanate shades of red. After the purges of the Old Republic's Jedi order, synth-crystals were also shaped and used by Jedi on occasion. Luke Skywalker's green blade and Jaina Solo's purple blade both sprang from synth-crystals. Prior to the final battle of Ruusan, ancient Jedi wielded blades of every color and hue. Some of the more common colors were orange, yellow, light blue, blue, purple, silver, and gold. Some Jedi of that time, such as Sylvar, even wielded blades of red hues, although the order typically avoided any colors that might associate them with the Sith. After the terrifying end of the Ruusan conflict, however, Jedi turned to more common Adegan crystals of blue or green coloration. Other colors did still exist, but were extremely rare. Mace Windu, for example, braved the terrors of Hurikane to find his purple crystal. After the Great Jedi Purge, the Emperor razed many of the known crystal sites, making it more difficult to find crystals of any hue. After the rise of the New Jedi Order, however, the discovery of long-forgotten resources and the use of synth-crystals brought a variety of colors back to the order's lightsabers. In the era of the Jedi Civil War, the color of a Jedi's blade was a traditional symbol for the path the Jedi chose in his duties within the order. A green blade was the sign of the Jedi Consulars, scholarly diplomats and negotiators. Blue was the color associated with Jedi Guardians, the physically vigorous defenders of the galaxy. The third color, yellow, was held for those among the Sentinels, Jedi who found their skills balanced between physical prowess and scholarly awareness of the Force. For the purposes of the lightsaber's strength, these crystals functioned identically; color was the only variation. Contrasting the natural hues of the Jedi sabers, the Sith manufactured synthetic crystals that beamed vibrant red. The engineered qualities of synth-crystals afforded them slightly greater power output and were more easily augmented, though they were more unstable than their natural counterparts. Though it rarely happened, a Sith synthetic crystal lightsaber blade was capable of overloading a regular lightsaber in combat, making it short out, thus giving the Sith a small psychological edge over their opponents. [edit] Known blade colors Various lightsaber crystals. The following is a list of colors identified throughout the history of the lightsaber: • Blue — as wielded by Obi-Wan Kenobi • Dark Blue — as wielded by Kyle Katarn • Green — as wielded by Luke Skywalker • Violet — as wielded by Mace Windu • Cyan — as wielded by the Jedi Exile • Red — as wielded by Darth Vader • Yellow — as wielded by Bastila Shan • Orange — as wielded by Peerce • Silver — as wielded by Corran Horn • Turquoise — as wielded by Tenel Ka • Emerald — as wielded by Jacen Solo • Bronze — as wielded by Lowbacca • Crimson — as wielded by Adi Gallia • Gold — as wielded by Qu Rahn • Magenta — as wielded by Leia Organa Solo [edit] Cutting power Qui-Gon Jinn cuts through a blast door. A lightsaber blade neither radiated heat nor expended energy until it came into contact with something. The power of the energy blade was so great that it could cut through almost anything, though the speed through which it cut was dependent greatly on the density of the subject. Cleaving flesh, for instance, was a smooth and unobstructed action, while rending a hole in a blast door could take many long seconds. One important note about lightsaber wounds is that they rarely bled profusely, even when a limb had been severed. The energy blade cauterized the wound as it passed, and thus even a severe wound did not tend to bleed heavily. [edit] Resisting the lightsaber Aside from the blade of another lightsaber, there were rare materials found throughout the galaxy that could withstand a lightsaber blade, but with varying degrees of success: Cortosis, though a rare and expensive metal, became a common defense against lightsabers in the eras of the Sith Wars. One of the reasons that it was so expensive was the need to refine it. Pure, unrefined, freshly mined Cortosis ore was for unexplained reasons ionized, and anyone who touched it would be killed instantly. Near the end of the Clone Wars, The Separatist army employed Cortosis Battle Droids in an attack on the Jedi Temple. Shortly after Order 66 was given, the Jedi Shadday Potkin attacked Darth Vader with a Cortosis blade during a failed ambush attempt on Kessel. There were three known methods of forging cortosis armor and weapons, each with varying effects: Shadday Potkin duels Darth Vader using a blade of cortosis weave. The first method was to make the armor or weapon with a cortosis weave, which utilized the ore's primary elements. When contacted by a lightsaber's blade, the cortosis fibers that were worked into the metal caused a surge that shorted out the energy blade. The lightsaber could be reactivated immediately, but it gave the opponent the momentary upper hand. The drawback to the weave was that its alloy construction was still susceptible to damage from the lightsaber attack. The most common (and inexpensive) method employed during the Jedi Civil War era was the use of a variant cortosis alloy that resisted the lightsaber blade itself, though it did not cause the lightsaber to deactivate as its more pure form did. The most rare type of cortosis came in the form of a refined metal with all the impure elements removed. Thus purified, there were no "weaker" metals for the lightsaber to damage, and unique conducting elements remained to short out the energy blade. This refined alloy, nicknamed a cortosis shield was most often employed as armor. Phrik, like cortosis, was a rare metal that could withstand the potency of a lightsaber blade, although unlike the aforementioned metal, Phrik did not possess the ability to cause the blade to short out. Phrik was most notably used in the construction of the electrostaffs wielded by General Grievous's MagnaGuards. Other notable uses of Phrik included elements of Palpatine's lightsaber and Dark Trooper armor. A Jedi uses his lightsaber against a foe's cortosis alloy vibrosword. Armorweave was a cloth said to give some resistance to lightsabers, though the protection the reinforced material afforded was limited. Sith Alchemy was employed during the eras of the first Sith Empire to augment the properties of the applied metals so as to counter the seemingly unstoppable lightsaber. The Sith also made use of such elements as cortosis in the forging of their swords. After the original Sith Empire, the most notorious use of Sith alchemy was in the construction and reinforcement of Darth Vader's armor. Mandalorian iron: A metal used by the Mandalorian warriors. Yuuzhan Vong bio-engineered weaponry and armor, such as the amphistaff and Vonduun crab armor held a natural, limited resistance to the lightsaber; however, weaknesses were soon found in the armor and staff. Luke Skywalker's first engagement with this bio-technology ended favorably only after striking the Yuuzhan Vong spy's amphistaff repeatedly in the same spot, weakening and ultimately killing it. Similarly, weapons that had been Imbued with the Force could be used to parry a lightsaber's blade without harm. Other counteracting materials existed in the galaxy, such as an unidentified super-conducting metal that was used for ship armor centuries before the Galactic Empire, as well as various energy shields, like Durge's. Some creatures, such as lava dragons, were possessed of natural armor that reflected the blade much as the blade reflected a blaster bolt. It is also probable that quantum-crystalline armor could not be cut by a lightsaber, as it was believed the only way to destroy the material was to send it into a black hole. [edit] Lightsaber Combat Main article: Lightsaber combat Kit Fisto's Shii-Cho in use against Darth Sidious's Ataru. The lightsaber was a very versatile weapon, owing to its unique lightness and omni-directional cutting ability. It could be wielded one-handed with ease, though Jedi were routinely trained in using the saber with both hands and either, so as to be prepared for all situations. Early in the weapon's history, when the Sith were numerous, the art of lightsaber dueling flourished. In later periods though, only rarely would Jedi face an adversary with a weapon capable of repelling a lightsaber. Defending themselves against blasters and other laser weapons was introduced early in their training. While a skilled Jedi could actually use his or her blade to reflect blaster bolts back to their source, non-energy based projectiles (slugs, bullets, etc.) would merely be dissolved by the blade. The Jedi were trained to use the Force as a conduit between the wielder and the weapon. Through this bond in the Force, the blade became an extension of their being; it moved with instinct as though it were a part of the body. The Jedi's attunement to the Force accounted for the almost super-human agility and reflex illustrated in the use of the lightsaber. Since the lightsaber's invention, the Jedi have established varying forms of style in lightsaber combat which cater to the unique features of the weapon and the bond between it and its owner. [edit] Lightsaber rituals Concordance of Fealty between Eeth Koth and Mace Windu. [edit] Concordance of Fealty "Master Eeth Koth, I have something to return to you. It is a product of your own hands which you once entrusted to mine. In returning this lightsaber, I return your trust." — Master Mace Windu The Jedi tradition of entrusting one's lightsaber to a fellow member of the order was called the Concordance of Fealty. This exchange represented a serious, even sacred bond. The exchange represented the establishment of a reciprocal, master-less learning relationship. [edit] In the hands of non-Force-sensitive users "This little toy of yours is fun. I can see why you guys get into the whole Jedi thing." — Jarael Although the lightsaber was used primarily by the Jedi and Sith Force users, a number of non-Force users were known to have used or possessed a lightsaber: Marn Hierogryph and Jarael both used Zayne Carrick's lightsaber — the latter to impersonate Sith and Jedi on at least two occasions. Thall Joben once used a green lightsaber, as he explained to his droid C-3PO that he once did some work for someone who owned a speeder, but they left the speeder with him and never reclaimed it; the lightsaber was one of the things left in the speeder by the person. It is unknown if this customer of Thall's was actually a Jedi or was simply someone who killed a Jedi or a Sith and took the lightsaber from them. Most likely, it was the latter, as most Jedi and Sith do not simply forget their lightsabers, although the Jedi may have been leaving his lightsaber to escape the Jedi Purge. Han Solo used Luke Skywalker's (formerly Anakin Skywalker's) lightsaber after he rescued Luke from a snowstorm on Hoth. Solo used the lightsaber to slice open the body of a dead Tauntaun, whose insides he then used to keep Luke warm while he constructed a proper shelter for the both of them. As he did so, he thought it might be some sort of sacrilege, using a Jedi lightsaber for such a digusting task. Mara Jade's lightsaber was also used by Han to chop down Killiks shortly before the Swarm War. When he briefly lost it, Tarfang, an Ewok smuggler, viciously wielded the lightsaber to dice up Kiliks to great effect. Han also used Leia's lightsaber in Heir to the Empire, when a YT-1300 tries to attack them and to stop a riot at Bothawui. Anja Gallandro, daughter of the deceased bounty hunter Gallandro, wielded an acid-yellow lightsaber of particularly ancient make in service to the Black Sun figure known as Czethros. Darca Nyl, an ex-mercenary, used the green lightsaber of a dead Jedi during his pursuit of Lycan. Though he rarely used it in battle, it often gave him the advantage of being able to pass for a true Jedi. It was destroyed along with Lycan in a trap laid by Darca in a Force-sensitive cave on Molavar. General Grievous was probably the most famous user of lightsabers without any Force ability; he used lightsabers during the Clone Wars, all of which were taken from Jedi he had either killed or defeated in battle, except for Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas' lightsaber, which was a gift from Count Dooku. His body's agility and mechanical forearms compensated for lack of Force-sensitivity, allowing him to wield lightsabers with great efficiency. Boba Fett was rumoured to have owned a small collection of lightsabers which were either stolen or found by Fett after Order 66. Fett challenged Darth Vader to a lightsaber duel where Fett used a green bladed lightsaber and was defeated by the much more skillful Darth Vader. Climber, a clone commander, briefly used Jedi Master Roan Shryne's lightsaber by thrusting the glistening weapon into the chest of a Separatist-hired mercenary. He afterward mused that it was more like a tool than a weapon. Suvam Tan, the eccentric Rodian inventor, was such a mechanical genius that he managed to construct his own lightsaber from scratch despite not having any Force sensitivity. It's unknown whether or not Suvam was actually able to use his lightsaber, though. [edit] Behind the scenes In the early incarnations of the Star Wars story, lightsabers were quite standard weapons, serving a role similar to that of blasters in the films. — In the early incarnations of the Star Wars story, lightsabers were not weapons exclusive to the Jedi and Sith. In fact, they were quite mundane, being used by Rebel and Imperial troopers alike. George Lucas then limited the weapon only to the Jedi Knights, to give the order a unique feel and an arcane quality. — Crystals first appear in the Star Wars mythos simply as an embedded decoration on the hilt in the A New Hope novelization. Aside from this single instance, there are no crystals mentioned in any of the movies or their novelizations. Lightsaber construction is mentioned in detail during the Return of the Jedi novelization and numerous components are detailed, including an 'organic connector', but no crystals are listed. — The Anakin/Luke lightsaber was made from a Graflex camera side-attach flash, while the Darth Vader lightsaber was made from a Heiland flash attachment, in the Original Trilogy. The handle grips were made of windshield wiper blades, and D-rings were attached to the bottoms of the units so that they could be worn on a belt. — During the initial editing of Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, Luke's lightsaber was colored blue. However, against the desert blue sky environment, the decision was made to change it to green for a better visual effect, hence the birth of the green lightsaber. — In the Original Trilogy, the blades were made from carbon rods and were easily broken during battle. • The first lightsaber choreography was created by Peter Diamond. • During the Prequel Trilogy, Nick Gillard was the swordmaster and instructed Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, Hayden Christensen and the other on-screen duelists through their battle scenes. Luke Skywalker wielding a blue lightsaber in an early Return of the Jedi trailer. • Due to his advanced age and subsequent lack of mobility, Christopher Lee was replaced by stunt double Kyle Rowling for Count Dooku's more complex dueling shots. Lee was able to perform some of the moves, particularly the close-up shots. • In Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, Samuel L. Jackson made a special request for his character, Mace Windu, to carry a purple lightsaber. • In Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, George Lucas had Ian McDiarmid do most of the close-up shots during his fight between Mace Windu, but doubles were called in for some of the faster, far away shots. The same was done for Samuel L. Jackson as well. However, Ian and Sam had to learn all the lightsaber stunts themselves. • In The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones, lightsaber blades were made of resin hilts with a steel rod and were not easily broken, but were easily bent during fighting. However, the lightsabers used in Revenge of the Sith were made of fibertube consisting of three layers of fiberglass, three layers of carbon fiber and another layer called texalium, which is essentially aluminum impregnated with glass that gave the weapon more resistance to damage. Though this new hardened saber was more painful to the actors that were constantly being hit when sparring. • In Star Wars Insider Issue 85, based on Ralph McQuarrie's artwork, see above, Karen Traviss made a story about Darth Vader called A Two-Edged Sword which had "Force-sensitive stormtrooper"s in it. These versions had red lightsabers and were trained by Vader himself. • Lightsabers are usually rendered having a rounded end. In Revenge of the Sith, it was the first time lightsabers had a pointed end. [edit] Lightsabers outside Star Wars Ulysses of Ulysses 31 with his lightsaber and energy shield. Although Star Wars popularized the concept of laser swords, the idea existed long before the release of A New Hope. The weapons have appeared in various non-Star Wars media. Often these appearances are references and homages to Star Wars, as is the case in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. In a scene from Oh Heavenly Dog, actor Chevy Chase arrives in Heaven only to find a "lightsaber" being used as a kind of classroom pointer. The man using it mentions "we got the idea from Star Wars". In the Japanese-French animated series Ulysses 31 the hero, Ulysses owns a weapon that is a combination of a lightsaber and a laser gun. Not only does Ulysses 31 borrow the concept of the lightsaber, it also makes use of components of the original sound effects that Ben Burtt fabricated, such as the snap-hiss of ignition. Star of the Guardians is a series of four science-fiction / space opera novels written by Margaret Weis in which a patently lightsaber-inspired weapon is used by elite main characters. Сообщение отредактировал Farkash - 6.10.2006, 2:10 -------------------- Join the Empire, rule the Galaxy!
Старший летописец Ордена Сит |
![]() 😊 ![]() Группа: Ветераны JC Сообщений: 4885 Регистрация: 19.12.2015 Пользователь №: 27880 Предупреждения: (0%) ![]() ![]() |
Про дату я и так знаю, а кроме того что бы ссылатся на дату, ты ещё ошибки указать не можешь?
![]() P.S. А ты ссылкой оставить не мог?%) P.S.S. Дату поправил. Статью дополню как время будет. %) |
![]() Группа: Участники Сообщений: 302 Регистрация: 31.8.2006 Пользователь №: 3262 Предупреждения: (30%) ![]() ![]() |
еще на ошибки? я ж не твой учитель что б тебя носом тыкать, а ссылку не кинул а втулил сюда этот текст спецом. Меня просто раздражает когда статьи пишут люди не разбирающиеся в предмете о котором пишут. Мой протест этот текст так сказать-)
И вобще, каким журналом ты пользовался? уж не Мир Фантастики? мой тебе совет, читай и кидай материалы тока с SW Insider, это единственный оф. журнал с нормальной инфой. А весь шерпотреб со второсортных сайтов скачивать это дилетантство. Ничего личного не говорю, но тут просто полно статей хреновых. и почему то все их дружно хвалят, как при коммунизме. ![]() П.С. "В скором времени начались улучшения, джедаи достаточно быстро произвели, усовершенствовали Световой Меч. Главное: уменьшение размера, благодаря замене источника питания." Если ты считаешь что более 5000 тысячь лет это достаточно быстрое улучшение , то я Дункан Маклауд из Шотландии. П.П.С. Уважаемые админы и модеры, если вам покажатся мои слова немнога грубыми, прошу не думать так. Ведь я хочу чтобы раздел статей был полноценным и профессиональным хотя бы наполовину. И почему же я нахожу тут кучу статей с плохим переводом, с неправдивыми данными. У Детомира неплохая статья в плане подачи текста, но неточности убивают. как можно было ошибится на 5000 тысячь лет с созданием светового меча???? вобщем прошу не банить, просто вот решил высказать свою точку зрения. Сам статьи не перевожу и не пишу, времени мало, но я постараюсь в скором времени справится и выложу, чтоб не думали что я тока критиковать умею. Сообщение отредактировал Farkash - 6.10.2006, 2:31 -------------------- Join the Empire, rule the Galaxy!
Старший летописец Ордена Сит |
![]() --- ![]() Группа: Ветераны JC Сообщений: 3532 Регистрация: 3.7.2005 Пользователь №: 19 Предупреждения: (0%) ![]() ![]() |
![]() -------------------- :)
![]() For I read of our heroes, and wanted the same Группа: Участники Сообщений: 7522 Регистрация: 2.7.2005 Пользователь №: 11 Награды: 1 Предупреждения: (0%) ![]() ![]() |
фаркаш 10 получил
детомир, учти, ты на грани теперь обращение ко всем: не надо разводить флуд, флейм и провокации особое обращение к фаркашу если ты критикуешь статью, то критикуй конструктивно или же переведи сам если не умеешь переводить - не поднимай шум далее такой большой пост нечитабелен рекомендую в самое ближайшее время заменить его обыкновенной ссылкой на статью -------------------- Побежденный, ты - победитель, ясноликий и чистый, как ангел,
--------------------Вместе с деревьями ты устремляешься в небо Жить в каждой на свете руке такова моя доблесть Существует одна только смерть на земле одиночество От нежности к ярости от ярости к ясности Я себя самого создаю и во всем живом преломляюсь Во всех временах на земле и во всех облаках Сменяется осенью лето но я остаюсь молодым Я жил на земле в этом сила моя Кровь моя воздвигается над пеплом пожарищ моих ![]() |
![]() Группа: Участники Сообщений: 302 Регистрация: 31.8.2006 Пользователь №: 3262 Предупреждения: (30%) ![]() ![]() |
Daemon05, я конечно не против 10 баллов в свой адресс, чесно заработал защищая себя в перепалке-)
Но мог бы и ему поставить, а то смахивает на кумовство. Емли заметил, прямых оскорблений я не наносил, в отличии от оппонентов, а именно слова "критин" и "придурок". Все больше не комментирую вышенаписанное. -------------------- Join the Empire, rule the Galaxy!
Старший летописец Ордена Сит |
![]() Группа: Участники Сообщений: 1469 Регистрация: 1.10.2006 Пользователь №: 3616 Предупреждения: (60%) ![]() ![]() |
ладно, ребята, давайте жить дружно. Даэ, он все-таки прав, убери его проценты. Можешь даже ему срок дать на перевод. Все, тут уже флуда не будет...
[img]style_images/newgreen/mod_e.gif[/img] Предупреждение модератора: сейчас и тебе прилетят проценты пока что, к несчастью, модератор тут я -------------------- Коль дергаешь ты за кольцо запасное,
--------------------И не раскрывается парашют... А там под тобою безбрежье лесное, И ясно уже, что тебя не спасут. И та-та-та-та-та-та-та-та-та... Вывод ясен, но только простой - Стать в жизни впервые спокойным и падать В обнимку во всемирной пустотой. ![]() |
![]() For I read of our heroes, and wanted the same Группа: Участники Сообщений: 7522 Регистрация: 2.7.2005 Пользователь №: 11 Награды: 1 Предупреждения: (0%) ![]() ![]() |
почистил тему
-------------------- Побежденный, ты - победитель, ясноликий и чистый, как ангел,
--------------------Вместе с деревьями ты устремляешься в небо Жить в каждой на свете руке такова моя доблесть Существует одна только смерть на земле одиночество От нежности к ярости от ярости к ясности Я себя самого создаю и во всем живом преломляюсь Во всех временах на земле и во всех облаках Сменяется осенью лето но я остаюсь молодым Я жил на земле в этом сила моя Кровь моя воздвигается над пеплом пожарищ моих ![]() |
![]() --- ![]() Группа: Ветераны JC Сообщений: 3532 Регистрация: 3.7.2005 Пользователь №: 19 Предупреждения: (0%) ![]() ![]() |
Яб на твоем месте вообще удалил эту тему. Вчера накатал пост (это после редактирования он стал "хух"), но потом решил найти таки ту статью с вариора и перепроверит. И нашел ![]() ![]() Farkash Модератор всегда прав ![]() -------------------- :)
![]() Группа: Участники Сообщений: 302 Регистрация: 31.8.2006 Пользователь №: 3262 Предупреждения: (30%) ![]() ![]() |
Эрпэгэшник, то что плагиатом попахивает это итак было понятно. Ну а модер даже если не прав спорить бесполезно-)))
И еще Даэмон05 говорил мне что б я конструктивно критиковал, я конечно не знаю, что это в его понятии, но думаю указать аффтору статейки, который взял ответственность писать по световые мечи, на то, что он ошибся в плане их создания на 5.000 лет-)))) куда уж конструктивнее-))) вывод, человек даже в вукипедию не зашел, потому что там статья в полтора-два - раза больше этой!!! вот и все! и никуда не нужно долго ходиить за "дровами", а так подрал немного у всех, и пыжится "своей статьей". П.С. Детомир и Данте, и еще раз, я уже работаю над статьей, и подгонять меня ненада. я за пол часа их не пишу в отличии от некоторых, будет готова, сразу выкину сюда. П.П.С. думаю можно на этом все закончить. Смысла больше нет обтирать. ![]() -------------------- Join the Empire, rule the Galaxy!
Старший летописец Ордена Сит |
![]() Группа: Участники Сообщений: 69 Регистрация: 13.4.2006 Пользователь №: 2048 Предупреждения: (20%) ![]() ![]() |
Цитата • Зеленый — был Люка Скайуокера блин, а че мастера Йоду забыл? |
![]() Группа: Участники Сообщений: 15 Регистрация: 6.11.2006 Пользователь №: 3934 Предупреждения: (0%) ![]() ![]() |
Классная статья!
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![]() Группа: Участники Сообщений: 244 Регистрация: 27.6.2007 Пользователь №: 8157 Предупреждения: (0%) ![]() ![]() |
Мне статья понравилась, но немного я нового узнал)) Но всё равно хорошая статья.
-------------------- В этом мире случайностей нет,
--------------------Каждый шаг оставляет след, И чуда нет, и крайне редки совпаденья. И не изменится времени ход, Но часто паденьем становится взлёт, И видел я, как становится взлётом паденье. (с) ![]() |
![]() Группа: Участники Сообщений: 369 Регистрация: 7.7.2007 Пользователь №: 8391 Предупреждения: (30%) ![]() ![]() |
отличная статья
![]() -------------------- Вечный солист бодрости
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