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Интересная мысль пришла - кто что может умного сказать про цвета мечей?
Я вот размышлял на тему оранжевого, мол в фильмах его не было, а был в КОТОРе и JA (в КОТОРе он назван "желтым" но это ж оранжевый )), в Олд Репаблик комиксах еще был желтый. В общем у кого какие мысли, кто что скажет? ![]() -------------------- They ambushed us, but it does not matter.
Striking first is good. Striking last is better. That is not dead which can eternal lie And with strange eons even death may die. Hovard Lovecraft Guilty by assoсiation. Dont argue with an idiot. He will bring you to his level and will beat with experience. Who laughs last, thinks slowest |
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![]() For I read of our heroes, and wanted the same Группа: Участники Сообщений: 7522 Регистрация: 2.7.2005 Пользователь №: 11 Награды: 1 Предупреждения: (0%) ![]() ![]() |
Darth AiveS
=) По канону есть только 3 цвета =) In the original film trilogy, lightsabers were limited to blue and green for the Jedi, while red-bladed lightsabers were associated with Dark Jedi Knights or Sith - though the first Sith Lords used alchemically altered Sith Swords as Lightsaber technology had not been developed before the original Dark Jedi were exiled. The various Expanded Universe (EU) sources and the prequel films opened up the spectrum of blade colors to include many variations of blue, green and red, as well as purple, orange, silver, turquoise, pink, bronze, yellow and possibly white and gold, among others. Note, however, that the expanded universe has no definitive information relating to the color of a lightsaber and its association with Jedi or Sith positions. The reason for less of a variety of colors for lightsaber blades is revealed throughout several forms of media. The Empire destroyed the caves that housed the lightsaber crystals Jedi used to focus energy and create their blade's unique color. Synthetic crystals were created to replace the natural crystals found in caverns, typically having either a blue or green color. Obi-Wan Kenobi primarily wielded a blue-bladed lightsaber, while Mace Windu famously uses a purple-bladed lightsaber. One lightsaber in particular, created by the Jedi student Gantoris was violet with patterns of rainbow light rippling across its white core. The color of a lightsaber's blade is dependent upon the crystals used to focus it. Blue-bladed lightsabers are loosely associated with Jedi Guardians; green-bladed lightsabers are loosely associated with Jedi Consulars; yellow-bladed lightsabers are loosely associated with Jedi Sentinels; and red-bladed lightsabers are more closely associated with the Sith. Nearly every Jedi who has wielded a purple blade has been a powerful Jedi, and a catalyst for change. Therefore, they could be considered "Jedi Powers". However, each Jedi (or Sith) is free to choose whatever hue for their blade they wish or can acquire. Usually the lightsaber crystal will call out to its chosen master during the trials to become a jedi when the padawan travels to llum. Prior to the Battle of Ruusan, Jedi ignited lightsabers in every known hue. In the time after Jedi relied on more common Ilum crystals such as blue, and green. Mace Windu braved the rock-encrusted natives of Hurikane to obtain the rare purple crystal. In the New Jedi Order Era, Jedi had a wide array of colors such as orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and light blue. EvgO Darth AiveS Правильно. Читаем такую штуку: The crystal is the heart of the blade. The heart is the crystal of the Jedi. The Jedi is the crystal of the Force. The Force is the blade of the heart. All are intertwined: The crystal, The blade,The Jedi. You are one. - Speech made during lightsaber construction ceremony -------------------- Побежденный, ты - победитель, ясноликий и чистый, как ангел,
--------------------Вместе с деревьями ты устремляешься в небо Жить в каждой на свете руке такова моя доблесть Существует одна только смерть на земле одиночество От нежности к ярости от ярости к ясности Я себя самого создаю и во всем живом преломляюсь Во всех временах на земле и во всех облаках Сменяется осенью лето но я остаюсь молодым Я жил на земле в этом сила моя Кровь моя воздвигается над пеплом пожарищ моих ![]() |
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Текстовая версия | Сейчас: 14.3.2025, 8:23 |